

In a production environment, each connector and controller require SaaS license. License Price Criteria Professional License Enterprise License Number of device protocols x x Number


Following minimum parameters are required when integrating Factory Online 365 with Microsoft Dynamics 365: Parameter Data Type Description URL String Factory Online 365 hub address


Device is onboarded by updating instance and connector configuration. Instance configuration must be updated when a connector module (required by the device protocol) was not


Before device onboarding could be started at least one Factory Online 365 instance and hub must be deployed. Following deployment scenarios are supported: Factory Online

Key components

Factory Online 365 consists of the following key components: Instance: connector(s) Hub: controller(s) Client: API(s) Instance component is responsible for communication with devices (scales, RFID

Factory Online 365

Factory Online 365 is a tailored Industrial IoT solution that allows launching new automation processes in a matter of weeks with minimal R&D time. Being designed